The homepage of a corporate Intranet is the first thing employees see in the morning. It is the nucleus of all internal departments and resources. Office 365 Intranet is built on the SharePoint Platform and is customized specifically for your internal collaboration and business processes. It also includes your mobile workforce utilizing tablets and mobile phones.
Corporate Calendar
Display upcoming events, training, vacation, leave request, holidays and more. Users also can customize their personal calendar.
Corporate News
Promote important news, announcements, and events to your employees. Easily add/edit text, images, videos, links and more offers the opportunity to deliver the message in style without requiring a special skill set or training to add content.
Built on a SharePoint Communication site, our quick start intranet offers an out of the box option for providing your employees news, a corporate calendar, and other resources at their fingertips on both their computer and mobile devices.
Document Management and Collaboration
Keep documents secure with permission management and easily share documents within organization.
Task Management
Prevent tasks from falling through the cracks. Manage and assign internal task and action items to team members with email notifications when complete.
Contact us to build your custom Intranet today!
Running a successful enterprise today requires more than in-person meetings and memos. As more organizations move to decentralized project teams and remote working environments, it’s more important than ever to implement collaboration tools that drive employee productivity and provide access to important documents and institutional knowledge.
In today’s digital workplace, seamless, real-time collaboration is essential. At CENTAD, we draw on our strategic experience and technical expertise to help organizations like yours adopt the tools that enable employees to share information and collaborate effectively regardless of geographical location.
1. What is SharePoint?
SharePoint is web based software that is used to share information about specific projects, documents or reports with the other members of your team, department or any other organization that may be on campus or off campus.
2. What internet browsers are supported by SharePoint?
SharePoint supports several web browsers that are most commonly used like the Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari. However, some browsers may cause some functionality to be limited or available only through some alternative steps. At times, some of the functionalities may not be available for noncritical administrative tasks.
3. Are the SharePoint plans in Office 365 same as SharePoint Standard and Enterprise?
No, each plan has specific features and limitations. Users choose the plan according to their business requirements that can make a difference in their business.
4. Why should I use SharePoint Document Libraries and OneDrive instead of a file share?
SharePoint has a document version control and this allows the users to check the documents for modification and then save them accordingly. Users can view the present status of the documents and even see who has checked out and can receive notifications when a document is changed and saved. It also makes it easy to restore a document to its previous state in case of any issues.